Why Earlier Detection Matters

Earlier detection of Alzheimer’s Disease is an unmet medical need

Earlier detection of Alzheimer’s Disease has the potential to prolong patients’ mental capacities and their ability to live productive lives without burdening their families.  Earlier detection can lead to drug interventions to modify the progress of the disease, provide time to modify risk factors of the disease to improve outcomes, and also provide time for the patient to plan and participate fully in life while they can.

However, there are currently challenges to earlier detection

Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) are insufficiently trained in diagnosis

85% of AD patients are first diagnosed by their PCP, but 40% of PCPs report being “never” or only ”sometimes” able to diagnose AD.  As a result, 50+% of patients are misdiagnosed at the PCP level.

Insufficient specialists

According to the 2020 Annual Report of the Alzheimer’s Association, 55% of PCPs report insufficient specialists in their community to accept patient referrals.  Neurologists report wait times of 6 months or more for a first appointment.

Patient-provider miscommunication

40% of patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment delay discussing concerns with their PCPs.  97% of PCPs wait for patients to initiate discussions of memory issues.

Delayed diagnosis

On average, the Alzheimer’s Association reports an average of 12 months from an initial PCP visit to diagnosis.

Not all memory problems are caused by Alzheimer’s Dementia

NeuroFirst™ Memory helps to rule out Alzheimer’s Dementia and some other dementias.

Earlier detection of Alzheimer’s Dementia is important – when both drug therapies and lifestyle changes can help prolong cognition